Breeders' 35K Axiom Array Summary Statistics

  • Extract genotypes for a particular variety on the 35K breeders array.
    • Total number of markers on array: 35143
    • Markers that have been mapped: 35042
    Number of SNPs mapped to each chromosome; (expected values are shown in brackets).
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
    A 1647 (1659) 1933 (1868) 1397 (1719) 1342 (1779) 1420 (1719) 1387 (1494) 1693 (1689) 10819 (11927)
    B 1824 (1764) 2234 (1928) 2195 (2062) 1226 (1704) 2351 (1808) 1583 (1883) 1519 (1868) 12932 (13017)
    D 1722 (1255) 2170 (1509) 1526 (1599) 1046 (1345) 1664 (1554) 1359 (1315) 1804 (1509) 11291 (10086)
    Total 5193 6337 5118 3614 5435 4329 5016 35042

    Table showing the number of Axiom SNPs that have been mapped to each of the 21 wheat chromosomes; the expected number, given the relative lengths* of each chromosome and the total number of mapped SNPs (35,042), is shown in parentheses.

    *The total length of the wheat genome (234.4 μm) and the percentage length of each chromosome and genome (A = 34.0% , B = 37.2%, C = 28.8%) were taken from Gill, B.S., Friebe, B. and Endo, T.R. (1991) Standard karyotype and nomenclature system for description of chromosome bands and structural aberrations in wheat, Genome 34: 830-839; this paper reports on the relative length in the variety Chinese Spring, which may differ from that for the varieties used in this study.

    Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon

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