Durum Wheat Reference Collection KASP markers

This page hosts the Durum Wheat Reference Collection KASP markers that were generated by the University of Bristol in partnership with NIAB as part of the Wheat improvement strategic program (WISP). The markers can be downloaded from the link below and are freely available without any restrictions and are IP free.

The Durum Wheat Reference Collection is an international reference germplasm panel of tetraploid wheats organised by the Expert Working Group on Durum Wheat Genomics and Breeding to facilitate the identification of useful genes and the exchange of alleles among durum wheat breeding programmes worldwide. For more information contact: Luigi Cattivelli, Roberto Tuberosa or Filippo Bassi.

Composition of the DWR Collection The DWRC growing in Terbol, Lebanon

Any questions or queries relating to these primers should be directed to Sacha Przewieslik-Allen and Alison Bentley.

Download markers

Durum Wheat Reference Collection KASP markers (excel spreadsheet): Durum_wheat_reference_markers.xlsx

Please acknowledge

Finally, one last plea, like all of our previous data, WISP is making its data public so that it can get into the hands of those who can use it best; the breeders and researchers. If you are one of the groups which have made use of WISP data, including BS and BA markers, please do acknowledge the source of the probes when you present your results at conferences or in manuscripts.

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon