Chromosome 1D SNP map (436 mapped SNPs)

Obtain KASP primers

Select individual primer sets (input box, below), or all the SNP primer sets for chromosome 1D. To obtain a single primer set, enter the identification code (e.g., BS00001234; the initial 'X' shown in the image below should not be included) for the SNP of interest. Alternatively, if you wish to download an Excel file containing the KASP primer sets for all the mapped SNPS on chromosome 1D click the button to the right of the chromosome image below.

Please note, the SNP map image below is not updated continuously; therefore, there may be a difference between the number of SNPs in the database (see number in the title at the top of the page) and the number shown in the image.

Select one SNP

SNP id  This is a 10 character code beginning with BS (e.g. BS00021723).

Download all SNPs on chromosome 1D

To download an Excel file containing all primers sets for chromosome 1D

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The population of doubled-haploid (DH) individuals, derived from F1 progeny of a cross between cvs Avalon and Cadenza, was developed by Clare Ellerbrook, Liz Sayers and the late Tony Worland (John Innes Centre), as part of a Defra funded project led by ADAS. The parents were originally chosen (to contrast for canopy architecture traits) by Steve Parker (CSL), Tony Worland and Darren Lovell (Rothamsted Research). All marker data for non BS-coded markers was made available by the Wheat Genetic Improvement Network.

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon