Contig Sequence

Contig name: BC000003059 (Nimblegen Contig name: CONTIG18028)

Contains SNP BS00012784 at position 228 (ambiguity code highlighted in red in the sequence below).


Note: The ambiguity code R, highlighted in red, translates to ).

The highlighted SNP has not been mapped. Any other SNPs on the same contig are reported in the table below.

All SNPs on contig

There are 12 putative SNPs on this contig. If mapping information obtained from varietal crosses is available, it is shown in the table. When the SNP has NOT been mapped, the corresponding fields in the table are left blank and, if available, a putaive location for the contig, based on our extensive NGS of various wheat lines, is given below the table.

SNPs id Position Map Location AxC cM Map Location SxR cM
BS00005125 140
BS00014963 150
BS00014507 184
BS00013685 207
BS00012784 228 2A 14.36
BS00012435 327
BS00014839 329
BS00017505 330
BS00012148 331
BS00019074 375
BS00018975 421
BS00012212 665

BLAST information

To BLAST the above sequence against our SNP database click on the 'Query' button below. You may select an e-value cut-off for this search.

e-value cutoff 

Alternatively, if you wish to perform a BLASTN search with this sequence, please use the drop-down fields below to select the parameters (database and e-value cutoff value) you wish to use and then click the grey 'BLAST' button.   At present your search can only be performed against Brachypodium distachyon, rice ( Oryza sativa ) or rye ( Secale cereale ) libraries.   However, this site is actively being worked on and we hope to be able to add additional libraries.

BLAST input parameters Database: 

e-value cutoff: 

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon