Wheat 820K and 35K Axiom® Arrays

The Axiom® wheat HD Genotyping Array (Affymetrix product IDs 550491 and 550492 for the two component arrays; axiom_wheat_hd_genotyping_array_datasheet.pdf ) is a high-density array containing 819,571 exome-captured SNP sequences derived from hexaploid wheat (both elite lines and landrace accessions), diploid and tetraploid progenitors and wheat relatives. The Axiom® wheat HD Genotyping Array is designed to characterise a range of wheat-related species, and, in particular, to identify and track introgressions in hexaploid wheati. Details of the 820K Array can be found in the article High-density SNP genotyping array for hexaploid wheat and its secondary and tertiary gene pool.

The Breeders' 35K Axiom® array (Affymetrix product ID 550524) contains 35,143 SNPs selected to be informative across a wide range of hexaploid wheat accessions. This 384-sample format array is a cost effective and efficient system for screening large numbers of lines. The array has been used to screen a large global collection of elite and landrace varieties including hexaploid and tetraploid accessions and the publicly available dataset (below) is regularly updated.

Characterisation of a Wheat Breeders’ Array suitable for high throughput SNP genotyping of global accessions of hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivium). Plant Biotechnology Journal. Click here to download .pdf file.

35K Axiom® Array data

The Axiom 35k Breeders' Array has been used to screen 6,144 lines. Download options:

Axiom® Wheat Relatives Array data

820K Axiom® Array data

Please note that the 820K data set is very large and cannot easily be opened and handled in Microsoft Excel format. Thus we are making the data available in two different formats:

To open/download the 820K wheat Axiom® array probe set, please click here.

genotype calls were assigned as follows:

0 = AA, 1 = AB, 2 = BB, -1 = No call

Scoring on both arrays

Where two samples from different sources share the same name, they are distinguished by the addition of the supplier's initials as a suffix.

PLEASE NOTE For convenience, all of marker data sets are scored AA, AB or BB. These designations do not necessarily represent the two homozygote and one heterozygote states; they simply represent the position of the clusters along the X and Y axes defined by the software packages provided by the various manufacturers. For further information we recommended that you contact illumina (iSelect), LGC (KASP) or Affymetrix (Axiom).

VCF file download

A VCF file for the axiom 820K SNPs can be downloaded here.

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon
