CerealsDB Workshop 18-19 September 2018

The Cereal genomics group at the University of Bristol hosted a two-day bioinformatics workshop focussing on the CerealsDB website. The workshop provided training for life scientists and plant breeders enabling them to explore the wealth of genomic data contained in CerealsDB and related bioinformatics resources. The content examines the data repositories, resources and web tools available to explore and analyse wheat datasets and introduces the principles of web services for data integration and high-throughput programmatic access to CerealsDB.

Resources from the workshop are available below, visitors can stream the powerpoint presentations given by Paul Wilkinson, Guy Naamati and Simon Tyrrell

CerealsDB workshop - overview and history and webtools - Paul Wilkinson

CerealsDB workshop - ensembl plants - Guy Naamati

CerealsDB workshop - grassroots API - Simon Tyrrell

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon
