iSelect SNP Summary Information
Summary information for the SNP BS00119975 is listed below:Map location in various crosses
Avalon X Cadenza | |
Savannah X Rialto | |
Cross 1 | 5D |
Cross 2 | |
Cross 3 | |
Cross 4 | |
Cross 5 | |
Cross 6 | |
Deletion lines | |
BLAST | 5D |
9K iSelect array |
Consensus Chromosome: 5D
BLAST sequence
To BLAST the above sequence against our SNP database click on the 'Queryi SNP databse' button below. You may select an e-value cut-off for this search.
Alternatively, you may perform a BLASTN against Brachypodium, Rice or Rye sequences. Use the drop-down fields below to select the parameters (database and e-value cutoff value) you wish to use and then click the grey 'BLAST' button.   At present your search can only be performed against Brachypodium distachyon, rice ( Oryza sativa ) or rye ( Secale cereale ) libraries.   However, this site is actively being worked on and we hope to be able to add additional libraries.
Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC.