Search word form

This form allows you to search the westDB database by searching for key words in the blast hits for each EST sequence. For example you could search for "wheat" OR "Triticum" and exclude any matches to the word "histone".

A word about AND/OR logic: if you search for "wheat" OR "barley" you will get hits matching one, or both, of these keywords. If you search for "wheat" AND "barley", then both words must appear in a blast description for you to get a match. You can choose whether to look for these key words in BLASTN or BLASTX hits (using the pulldown menu) and choose whether you want to restrict your search to the top BLAST hit, or search all BLAST hits for each EST: the latter might take slightly longer, but has a higher chance of getting a match for a keyword. Try typing the word "barley" in to the top left hand box and then click on the submit query button to launch a search. You can get more help on the results page. Searches are not case sensitive, so it doesn't matter whether you search for Wheat, wheat or WHEAT.

Search word input form 
Search for the word: 

Exclude hits matching:

Display hits

Search for keyword in the top blast hit of each EST
Search for a sequence ID (get results for a specified sequence)

Based at the University of Bristol with support from BBSRC. BBSRC icon Bristol icon
